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Checklist - Pre-departure

  • Apply for your passport. For US citizens, a passport can take six to eight weeks to process.
  • Check to see if you need a student visa for your program
  • Have extra passport pictures taken for other program related documents.
  • Read all material you receive from the Center for International Education and your program sponsor.
  • Attend the all pre-departure meetings and orientations.
  • Schedule an appointment with a travel clinic or family physician for a physical. Have them complete your program's health information form, if applicable. Depending on where you are traveling, you may need a series of vaccinations, which can take up to six months to complete. Review information on the CDC website.
  • Make plans to maintain health insurance in your home country, including hospitalization. If you are on a Loyola exchange you will have health insurance coverage through Lewermark while you are abroad. Click here for more information about health insurance abroad
  • Make logistical arrangements for your time abroad and your return:
o   Registration
o   Financial aid
o   Academic plans
o   Payment of bills including program fees
o   Flights
o   On- or off- campus housing arrangements (if applicable) - Make sure that you review information on housing on your program websites and have this confirmed before you leave.

o   Notify your bank and credit card companies  of your travel plans so they do not freeze your accounts.
o   Bring multiple ways to access money while abroad. See money matters for helpful tips.
o   Pack
o   Absentee voting (if applicable)
o   Income taxes (if applicable)

  • Consult with appropriate offices and websites for accurate, official, and up-to-date information related to your trip (i.e. CIE website, US State Department travel advisory and warning web page, CDC website).
  • Complete and return forms from your program sponsor and host institution by the dates requested.
Revised 6/6/24