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International Life after Graduation


Check out the other international opportunities that are available to you after graduation! We've listed ways to study, work and volunteer abroad after graduation. Use the links below to begin exploring your world!

Graduate School Abroad

If graduate school is in your post-Loyola plan, consider attending an overseas graduate program! Obtaining your degree from an overseas university is a great opportunity to build on your international experience, gain a new perspective, and receive your desired degree! Federal financial aid often applies to overseas universities. Be sure to explore this option when researching graduate schools. is an online resource that allows you to research international graduate programs by subject and location.

Fellowships and Scholarship Programs

  • The Fulbright Program is the largest U.S. international exchange program offering opportunities for students, scholars and professionals to undertake international graduate study, advanced research, university teaching and teaching in elementary and secondary schools worldwide.
  • The Rhodes Scholarship is the oldest international fellowship started in the United States to fund U.S. students abroad. Each year 32 recent college graduates are selected to study at Oxford University in England. Scholars receive two years of funding and may be eligible for a third. 
  • Every year the Marshall Scholarship funds at least 40 U.S. students to study for graduate degrees in the United Kingdom for two years.

Work Abroad

  • Find out more information at  Career Development  to learn more about working abroad.
  • The Going Global Career Guides/Global Key Employer Directory Database is a massive research tool that contains more than 10,000 resources for finding employment at home and abroad. Over 25,000 employer listings have been specially selected to reflect companies where professional opportunities are likely to be available. 

Teach English Abroad


Volunteer Abroad  

There are numerous agencies that coordinate volunteer programs throughout the world. Below we have listed a few options but many others are available:

  • The Peace Corps offers two-year volunteer opportunities in several host countries worldwide. Volunteers are given a living stipend and forgiven for a percentage of federal student loans.
  • Jesuit Volunteer Corps offers volunteer opportunities in the United States and seven countries abroad. The JVC aims to serve essential services through grassroots organizations in the US and abroad.

Revised 09/30/2020